School Lunch - Country Unknown

Country: ?

Contents: Roll, ice cream, salad, orange juice, and other items I can't identify.

Submitted by: Me


  1. Those oval things on the plate look like Lutosa Pom`pins. Mashed potatoes molded into a conical shape and then fried. Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside.

  2. Hagen Dazs ice cream?!
    probably europe. definitely europe.

  3. That's Minute Maid in the can next to the Hagen Dazs

  4. Haagen Dazs is an American brand, founded in New York City. It was just named that to make it sound Scandinavian. This lunch could be in any Western country, although it makes me wonder who would serve a plate of cookies on a lunch tray.

  5. If anybody is still reading here; I’ve a stromg guess that this might be from France: croquettes, the typical european wheat bread, the minute maid (typical french juice brand) - and all that cheese!!!! Where else in the world could cheese be served in schools like this??? :-D


Please no foul language.