USA School Lunch - Homemade Lunchables

Country: USA (Homemade)

Contents: Triscuits, turkey pepperoni, cheese cubes, a Capri Sun flavored water, dried fruit, and some graham crackers dipped in chocolate.

Source: Thanks Lea!
Notes: Looks delicious and nutritious. My son doesn't like pepperoni, and it makes me sad. I hope it is because he is only 18 months, and he will learn to love them. I just can't justify buying plain cheese pizzas.


  1. I gotta say.. that sort of turns my stomach, but only because of the pepperoni & the Triscuits. I get the combination, I just personally don't like it.

  2. that looks delicious to me. I eat similar things for a light lunch or snacks all the time.

  3. Kids love it. Triscuits aren't my fave either but they were on sale. Normally, I would do another cracker like wheat thins or ritz.

  4. There's always other pizza toppings...ham, sausage, etc.

  5. An easy & fun dessert my kids love: cake frosting between 2 graham crackers.

  6. I think it looks great, I would definitely eat it.

  7. Terrible! Sodium overload. Lazy packaged crap!

  8. I buy the reduced fat triscuits and pack them often for my eldest. Before you judge them, look at the label! Only 5 ingredients, Michael Pollan would approve! Less junk in them than in most varieties of wheat bread. I try to avoid pepperoni and salami in their lunches because of all the sodium and fat, though. (Especially if it's paired with a cracker.)

    People without kids are fond of the adjective "lazy" as applied to virtually anything a parent does in any context. I'm sure they enjoy sleeping in on the weekends, or you know, ever.

    18 months is too young for pepperoni, anyway. My kids have only recently decided that spices do not equal death.

  9. It is wonderful that your child does not like pepperoni, it is a heavily processed meat with tons of sodium... turkey or not. I would also bet that the saturated fat content is still pretty high. Vegetables and lowfat cheese are a wonderful alternative for pizza toppings. Also, the "flavored water" is likely to contain tons of sugar, and if not many "flavored waters" or "vitamin waters" do.

  10. That looks like the lunches I would have growing up. Too bad when I got into Jr High my parents gave me lunch money and I started to eat terrible things :/ I had it too good!


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