USA School Lunch - Taco Salad and Fruit

Country: USA (Stafford, VA)

Contents: Mini chicken taquito, leftover meat from taco salad, salad and chips (for mini taco salad), orange & banana slices, mini marshmallows & chocolate chips,

Source: Thanks Nicole!

Notes: Looks a lot better than the lunch I brought today. What dressing do you prefer on taco salad? I've come to prefer French dressing.


  1. The only dressing that is appropriate on a taco salad is salsa (preferably mingled with sour cream. Anything else is sacrilege, sir.

  2. I've browsed several blogs showing pictures of school lunches across the USA and I'm suprised that usually there are crackers, tacos or pretzels served along a lunch. I think this type of food is something like a snack and its place on the tray should take something more normal... like potatoes, vegetables ...

    I'm from Central Europe and must say that our school lunches [usually consisting of a soup, main dish and a desert] are healthier and more nutritious than yours... that's sad... I would estimate that the cost of one school lunch over here is about 1.5$. Are there actually countries with worse school lunches than those in the USA?


Please no foul language.