USA School Lunch - Chicken Fingers and Fruit

Country: USA

Contents: Chicken fingers, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberry, pineapple, milk, ketchup and (?)coleslaw.

Source: Jasmine H. (submitted on our Facebook page)

Notes:  Looks great to me! Sure there are fried chicken fingers, but getting kids to eat means making some concessions. At least, that's how I feel. Besides, they aren't heavily breaded at all.

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  1. That's a lot more veggies than when I was a kid!

  2. actually they are probably baked chicken tenders...most school districts in the usa are not even allowed to have fryers in the kitchens anymore. Ours were taken out of the kitchen 4 years ago...everything is baked even the french fries


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