Singapore School Lunch - Rice and Slaw

Country: Singapore
Contents: Rice, fruit (?), meat (?), slaw.
Source: Mei
Notes: The submitter didn't mention what was included. She describes it as "medium sized balanced meal."


  1. I am from Singapore and I am very certain this is not a standard Singapore school lunch. You might want to verify what school is this. In Singapore, most government schools have a canteen with a variety of options and students have a choice of what they want to eat...

    1. Please see my comment below. Also, I would really appreciate it if you could send me a picture of what you believe is a more accurate school lunch from Singapore. Thanks!

  2. Ale, and KS, this was sent to me by a student living in Singapore. She stated that it was school lunch at her school. I'm sorry if you feel this is a misrepresentation.

  3. Please see my comment below. Also, I would really appreciate it if you could send me a picture of what you believe is a more accurate school lunch from Singapore. Thanks!

  4. hi, that looks honeydew (a fruit yes), some kinda chicken soup with potatoes and carrots, brown rice and salad...

  5. Ale and KS, Give Nick a break. A student who actually ate this at school in Singapore submitted this. The title doesn't say, school lunch that every single Singaporean child eats. It is one kid at one school. Much like schools here. I had a sushi cart from time to time at our cafeteria in Southern California. Most other schools probably didn't have that in the US. Would you then say that's misinformation? No. Because it would have been representative of what I was offered at school. Anyway, I like the site Nick.


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