USA School Lunch - Pizza and Corn

Country: USA 

Contents: Pizza, corn, lowfat milk and half an orange.

Source: ?

Notes: I'd like to note that this is the 3rd lunch I've seen pairing corn and pizza. 1st and 2nd.


  1. I don't know where the school lunch program got the idea that sweet corn was the proper side dish for pizza, but I always got that when I was a kid too.

    We also always had fried okra come with our spaghetti and meat sauce. It wasn't until adulthood that I found out fried okra was more of a southern American thing rather than an Italian thing. Do Italians eat fried okra? (Maybe they do, I have no idea, really.)

  2. Oh, I still remember the vaguely cube-like "pepperoni" of our school lunch pizzas. Not fondly, either!

  3. Yes, cracker-style pizza and heated frozen corn were a staple of my elementary school in Michigan. But I can't say it got any healthier in middle school when they switched from creepy faux-pizza to Dominos. I also remember corn as the accompaniment to burgers. Perhaps it had more to do with the corn being cheap than the idea that it was good pairing.

  4. We ALWAYS have corn with pizza. As a student, and every school ive taught at. Wonder why?

  5. I always thought pizza and corn was a strange combination.

  6. Call me crazy, but I always (and still do) LOVE the combination of pizza and corn. I also loved the rectangular school pizza, I thought it was great. Again, call me crazy!

  7. a lot of places outside the US actually use corn as a topping on their pizza. I know if you get a pizza in japan you get mayo and corn on it... ugh

  8. I miss that 4x6" pizza. My mom used to work at a school, and I tried to get her to order a case of it for me, but timing was never right (I live 4 hours away). and yeah...there was corn. And I'd prefer that pizza over Dominos anyday


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